Cansolair Inc. has developed
a forced convection Solar Heating Unit
Called the Cansolair RA 240 Solar Max.
A building with an area of 1000 square feet can have a complete air change in 1.5 hours. A comfortable room temperature can be maintained with only 15 minutes of sunlight per hour. CSA Approved Maintenance Free Thermostatically Controlled Forced Convection Filtered Air Environmentally Friendly Heat Energy. 240 aluminum cans comprise the core of each Model RA 240 SOLAR MAX. Ninety cubic feet per minute of colder and relatively heavier air is drawn by a quiet and powerful fan through a filter from near the floor. This filtered air is pumped through the first checkvalve, the specially modified collector core, and then back into your living space through the last check valve near the ceiling. The resulting high volume air movement not only filters, but will destratify as well as directly heat the air in your home or business. One or more modules can be vertically or horizontally mounted on any South-East, South, or South-West-facing wall or roof that is free from shadow. Each fully automatic, thermostatically controlled module can maintain average room temperature in about eight thousand cubic feet of residential or commercial space. These new solar panels can automatically eliminate your having to pay for more conventional and polluting forms of heat energy whenever the sun shines.
"Whenever you can see a shadow, why waste money and pollute the air unnecessarily? "Our solar panels are designed to be completely independent of, but complementary to your existing heating system, no matter how large or what type may currently be in your home or building.
Solar Heating was considered too expensive and impractical, with too long a pay-back; ... Until Now.
A low level fan unit draws the cooler, heavier air out of the space at a rate of 90 cubic feet per minute.
The air is filtered, heated and returned back to the space cleaner and 50 - 100 degs hotter.
Follow this Link for video's and more information about the Cansolair Model RA 240 Solar Max Heat Collector.
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Blog about:
Saving Money with Solar Space Heating
Illinois Homeowners' Solar Rights Act
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